Who Are We?
The O'Neill Performing Arts program gives students specialized instruction in dance, instrumental, vocal music, and drama. We offer advanced courses, clubs, and opportunities to nurture and support P.A. students while they pursue their passion for the arts. O'Neill's Performing Arts program serves students from grades 9 - 12. Students in the program must take at least 6 arts credits over their high school career to recieve their DDSB arts certificate at graduation, and 8 arts credits to obtain the O'Neill Performing Arts Certificate. However, they are encouraged to take more if they'd like!
Located at O'Neill C.V.I. in Oshawa, the performing arts program is available to both in-region and out-of-region students!
What we do
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Open Arts Program
We have un-auditioned courses too!
O’Neill’s Open Arts program is available to all O'Neill students, is taught by many of the same faculty as the audition program.
Courses are offered in dance, drama, instrumental and vocal music, and do not require an audition. Any student can enroll!
Our Open Arts students benefit from being integrated into many of the same ensembles, workshops, and trips as the audition program.