Thank you for applying to O’Neill’s Performing Arts Program!
Notifications of acceptance to the program will be sent by January 31st by email.
Application Process
Step 1
Book an audition slot: this must be completed before proceeding with the application.
Select an arts concentration.
Online auditions/interviews will be held on Saturday, January 15th and Sunday, January 16th. Please select the date and time that works best for you.
Add your name and contact details, then press 'Book'
Step 2
Complete the application form. (Clicking the link will open the application form in a new window.) You will need to upload a digital copy of your most recent progress report/report card in this form. You must have a Google Account to complete this form. If you need an alternate method, please email
Step 3 (Student)
Please connect with your most recent drama, dance, or music teacher at school, and have them complete this form on your behalf.
*If your school is not teaching art subjects at this time, please ask your classroom teacher to complete this form instead.
Instruct your Teacher Reference to visit ocvipa.com/apply-now and ask them to complete Step 3.
Step 4
Upload your audition video. (Clicking the link will open the audition upload form in a new window.) To see the audition video requirements, please see 'Audition Requirements' Page. You must have a Google Account to complete this form. If you need an alternate method, please email ocvipa@ddsb.ca.
Recorded Auditions are due on January 7, 2022.